Sweet Treats

In my New City, New Sarah post, I promised to talk a little more about food. Since moving out, I've slimmed down a bit thanks to constantly filling my fridge with fresh produce and other healthy options. But, believe me, I'm still making time for an indulgence every now and then. 

Croissants in DC

Before I moved out, I watched an episode of My Diet is Better Than Yours and was really impressed with Dawn Jackson Blatner, the mind behind the Superfood Swap. In one segment, she tells her client Jasmin to go ahead and indulge, but to make sure it's a special occasion and to not keep these treats in the house. Jasmin proceeds to go out with her family and have a slice of cake, but still loses the second highest amount of weight in the first episode. 

I've gone on to adapt this outlook in my own life. I still embrace my sweet tooth, but only when I'm out with friends or my boyfriend. Need more inspiration to go out for an indulgence every now and then? Look no further than some of the yummy foods I've had recently and make sure to keep an eye out on my Instagram for future #foodporn. 

French Toast at Front Porch Cafe
Cheesecake Crepe at Rachel's Creperie
Salted Caramel Nutella Mocha at Rachel's Creperie

Eat WellSarah Walsh