Tip Du Jour: Find an Accountability Mentor

I cannot claim the term or the origin of "accountability mentor" as my own. My friend Madeline came up with it last week when we met for lunch and decided to set personal goals for the week and then report back on Sunday that we had accomplished said goals. At that moment, accountability mentorship was born. And honestly, it may be the best productivity hack I've ever used. 

Madeline is someone I admire and respect, thus making me feel obligated to not only complete my goals for myself but also because I gave her my word that I would. I can easily blow off my own expectations if I'm not "feeling it" at the moment, an excuse I often give myself. But to knowingly let down Madeline is unthinkable! There were times last week when I thought that there was no way I could get through one of my goals, but as my deadline of Sunday evening drew near, I buckled down and produced the work I had promised. Success and a reason to FaceTime one of my dearest friends on a weekly basis? Accountability mentorship is a no brainer.

Traits of an Accountability Mentor

A great accountability mentor...

  • gives you honest feedback and opinions
  • is someone you respect and admire
  • helps you breakdown your goals into smaller, more manageable steps
  • isn't here to shame you for messing up
  • has a positive outlook on life
  • makes your heart happy

Seriously, I can't tell you how much having this commitment to Madeline has helped me to reach my goals and keep myself responsible. If you'd like more advice on starting an accountability mentorship, feel free to reach out to me! 

Tip Du JourSarah Walsh